Our Blog

On The Verge

Three Victorian lady explorers thwack their way through wilderness. They are intrepid adventurers casting aside the vision of the weaker sex. Not only do they travel through jungles and deserts, they travel through time! Each adventure becomes more trying and disorienting as they come closer to modern times. Creative Team: Director: Roger Held Costume Designer:

Fires in the Mirror

A child is hit by a car while playing on the sidewalk. In retaliation, a young man is stabbed to death. A community turns inward upon itself, neighbor set against neighbor. Can an out of balance world be set right? Anna Devere Smith interviewed members of Brooklyn’s Crown Heights Community and using their own words

Picasso at the Lapin Agile

Picasso at the Lapin Agile Art or science—which has more power to change the future? See that debate unfold over drinks in a Paris Bar in 1904. In his first full-length play, the comedy legend Steve Martin presents a fictional meeting between Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein where the future icons debate the genius and imagination

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

Ladies and gents, we bring you tonight – (Now settle down, folks – please be polite; And you there, young lady, that hat’s gotta go) – The great historical gangster show! Today for the very first time we reveal the truth of the scandalous waterfront ideal, presenting for your comprehension the facts of Old Dogsborough’s Will

Silent Sky

Henrietta Leavitt is one of us; gathering in pieces of some realm of endeavor, envisioning the pattern of relationships within the flotsam they’ve caught, and teasingly calculating an understanding of some small piece of a greater puzzle. Ms. Leavitt discovered the first way of measuring the universe so as to demonstrate that heavens were larger

Around This Place

by Erin Smith Almost all the songs on the album were inspired by the wild and isolated Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan on Lake Superior. With its average snowfall of 200 inches, it is a place to be reckoned with both physically and mentally during the long, dark winter. It is also a place that rewards

Equal and Opposite

Student Learning Lab Showcase, a showing of the student-transformed space at the end of the fall semester.

Songs of the Season

The Michigan Tech Concert Choir and conScience: Michigan Tech Chamber Singers explore Songs of the Season!

Astro Sax

Michigan Tech Sax ensemble!

Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Haroun and the Sea of Stories is a children’s classic by famous British-Indian writer Salman Rushdie in the tradition of Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz. “What’s the use of stories that aren’t even true?” This is the question Haroun asks his father, the famous storyteller Rashid Khalifa, when his mother Soraya runs